Herod The Great Thesis

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Well you already know who he is Jesus, the son of God. Jesus was born in 4 BC. His parents were Mary and Joseph. Jesus was born in Bethlehem by the Virgin Mary. There isn’t a lot that is said about his life but when he got older most of it was documented in the gospels of the New Testament. Those people or books were Matthew, mark, Luke, and John. As I learned in history Jesus was born when the leader Herod the Great was in power. Joseph and Mary were told by an angel that Jesus was going to be killed because Herod the Great had been told about Jesus’s birth. He made everyone under the age of 2 to be killed. But he survived that attempt to kill him. When Jesus grew up he worked with his dad as a carpenter. He worked as a carpenter until he was 30 years old until he started his …show more content…

He showed that he could with stand the power that the devil had over the world that even we have today but a little different. When he returned some men where wanting to follow him or become his disciple. The first few of his disciples were Philip, Peter, Andrew, and Nathanael. Right after that they have a feast and that was when he did his first miracle when he turned water into wine and amazed them for what he had done. On his way he meets a woman at a well in Samaria and Jesus goes up and talks to her when his dispels were not there. Jesus told her that she wouldn’t want to have that water because it would just make her thirsty again but instead to drink of the water of life that he was giving. She was interested on why he was talking to a person like her because he was a Jew and they don’t talk to people like her. But he doesn’t care what you look like or if you are different he loves them just the same as his own people. When Jesus was in a city he had a big crowd around him while he was there he seen a ban Jairus come up to him begging him to help his dying daughter. But the person kept saying that she was

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