Herbert Worthington: A Night Of Life

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It was a dark gloomy night in 1899, at a glorious and voluminous estate run by a plantation owner named Herbert Worthington, who had a very evil and dark past. Herbert had many slaves, and he was cruel to all of them. One night, he was doing his normal business, when one of his slaves came in without permission. Because of this disobedience, Herbert became so frenzied that he beat the slave to death, but what he didn’t know was that the slave he so cruelly killed, transformed into a evil, horrendous demon called Beldor. It was the first night at their new home. Zachary, his sister Kelly, his mother and his father just moved from West Virginia to their new home in New Orleans. It is a voluminous estate, with a large rather decrepit house at …show more content…

“Shut Up! I Feel the same exact about you!” Said Kelly. “Stop Fighting,” said mom, “We have a big night tonight and we need to get everything ready before we get to bed.” It is about 10 o'clock hen they finally get to the house, and they see that all of their stuff is already there and mostly unpacked. Their stuff had arrived the week before, and they have come every day to unpack it, and because of this all of their beds were ready for tonight. When they finally get inside all of them go to their bed rooms, get ready for bed, and go to sleep. Crash! Scrape! Ahh! It is about 3 o’clock in the morning. Zachary suddenly wakes up. He knows something is wrong. He goes in his sisters room to see if she is there, and he wakes her up. “Kelly, wake up!” said …show more content…

They start to hear footsteps behind them and suddenly the door slams shut. They must go on. When they get to the bottom of the stairs, they turn on the light and they see a ghastly sight. “Oh my god, “ they both say. Both of their parents are bound up tightly on the floor, cowering in fear. Zachary and Kelly look up a little bit and see a tall dark, almost shadow like figure. Beldor. “Why are you doing this to our parents,” said Zachary, “ We never did anything wrong to you.” “I am here to get revenge on the people who so cruelly killed me,” said Beldor. “ I will not allow this to happen,” Zachary says. Zachary, suddenly feeling bold and courageous, starts to walk up to Beldor. It’s like all of his fears have washed away. As soon as he gets to Beldor, he looks him in the eyes and yells at the top of his lungs, ‘Exfendrapu,” and Beldor just disintegrates into dust. Kelly and Zachary run to their parents and they start untying them. Once they get out they all start hugging each other, grateful that they saved each

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