Banning Abortion Essay

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Banning abortion, put women at a higher risk of going out and finding illegal way to have the procedure done (“Abortion Information” 1). Once abortion became illegal in the United States 1.2 million abortions were preformed illegally. Dangerous attempts have been made by women to preform their own abortion, or have them done by unskilled surgeons often with dangerous instruments and sometimes in unsanitary conditions. Serious complication from unsafe abortion included, “perforations of the uterus, retained placentas, severe bleeding, cervical wounds, and rampant infections” (Currie 17.) Abortion has become safer over the years and should be legalized in every state in the United States; abortion should also be kept private between the client …show more content…

In the case of pregnancy where the women are facing physical compilation, an abortion should be available to them. Their health can lead to serous health issues, which can affect her and the fetus. Often women become pregnant unplanned. For example, women that suffer from diabetes need to have their sugar levels and other health concerns under control for the minimum of six months before attempting to conceive other wise the high glucose levels can be harmful to the mother and infant. Using certain types of medicine to help control health issues such as epilepsy and seizures can cause birth defects and still born. Often other treatments can be used to help the women, but surgery, chemo therapy, x-rays can be put to a half once pregnancy is discovered, worsening a women’s condition (Dudley 1). Women and teens with eating disorders are linked with many pregnancy complications, because they lack the necessary nutrients to help support the fetus. With many health issues women tend to choose abortion, because they fear their health can worsen and cause harm to the fetus. Other examples of physical complications could be the placenta being attached to close to or covering the cervix or the egg could become embedded outside of the womb. All of these complications could have posses a serious hazard for women if they carry the fetus to full term (Dudley …show more content…

Fetuses that have drug-addicted mothers, have a large range of complications and development issues. The fetus is born early or stillborn or has a low chance of survival. During pregnancy drug use such as cocaine puts the child’s health at risk. The fetus can have life-threating health issues, like heart attacks. The child will also be addicted and face with drawl the first few months of its life. Drug addicts that become pregnant never quit the use of their drug habit. Their child is born with drug addictions and defects these newborns rarely survive (“Drug Use and

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