Hepatitis C Essay

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An estimated 242,251 Canadians, and 150 million people worldwide are chronically infected with the hepatitis C virus, and more than 350 000 people die every year from hepatitis C-related liver diseases.1 Hepatitis C can lead to other serious diseases, such as liver failure, death, etc. But without any vaccines available to prevent the contraction of the disease, it may be hard to avoid. Due to disease generally being asymptomatic many people are unaware that they have it, further spreading the disease because of a lack of prevention mechanisms. Hepatitis C when developed chronically can cause serious affects on the liver, which may even lead to death. With hepatitis C being such a serious disease, it is important that more people be tested for it so they can start treatment in the early stages of the disease, as well as be aware and informed, before it becomes a chronic infection leading to serious complications.

Hepatitis C is a disease that is caused by the hepatitis C virus. This virus is a single stranded, enveloped, positive sense RNA virus.2
The viral RNA is highly mutable due to a lack of efficient proofreading mechanism while the virus replicates. This makes the virus undergo evolution with time, which ultimately because of the constantly changing virus, it manages to escape host’s immune system so it cannot identify and eliminate the virus effectively. Since the body cannot alone fight the virus, most people infected with hepatitis C go on to develop chronic infection. The hepatitis C virus works by attaching itself to a host cell, using particular proteins present to attach to a receptor site. The hepatitis C virus attaches to the receptor site on liver cells, which is why the liver is the organ that is primarily af...

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...eing administered due to its high rate of virologic response and milder side effects.

There are a number of ways that the current treatment for hepatitis C could improved. In the future researchers aim to develop a more effective, safe and well-tolerated interferon therapy. They have also created a new vaccine technology that has been tested in mice for its therapeutic efficiency against the most conserved regions of the hepatitis genome. They hope to eventually develop drugs that target the hepatitis C RNA-dependant RNA polymerase enzyme, which is responsible for the replication of the entire hepatitis C genome, and prevent the replication of the hepatitis C virus directly.9 Although hepatitis C is a very serious disease of the liver, technologies and medications have been proven to be effective in many chronically infected persons with hepatitis C virus.

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