Henrietta Lack Of Responsibility

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Responsibility is the duty to deal or take care of something that is in your life. Scientists and inventors have a great deal of responsibility for what they create and how it affects the world. In Frankenstein, Victor creates a scientific creature from dead people's body parts that he thought would be an ideal person but, instead, it turned out to be a monster causing destruction to humans. In Henrietta Lacks, a scientist took a woman’s cells without consent and gained national attention from it because the cells helped create medicines and cures for people today. Silent Spring is about a chemical made to kill these bugs even though that worked, it also ended up killing other animals that were not intended to die. Scientist must have a responsibility …show more content…

In Rachel Carson’s “Silent Spring”, the book says, “In 1962, scientists and author Rachel Carson published Silent Spring as a warning to the public about the environmental risks…”(Carson 27). This quote specifies that Rachel Carson has to take responsibility for releasing that information to the public not knowing what they would do with it. Another quote from the text states, “Then a strange blight crept over the area and everything began to change. Some evil spell had settled on the community: mysterious maladies swept the locks of chicken, the cattle and sheep sickened and ded. Everywhere was a shadow of death.”(Carson 28). This quote shows what the chemical is doing to the town and the damage it …show more content…

It’s against the law and wrong to not give credit when due. In Skloot’s “The Immortal Life Of Henrietta Lacks”, Skloot says, “..right after she died they called me in the office wanting to get my permission to take a sample of some kind. I decided not to let them.” (Skloot). That quote shows that the scientists did not get consent before proceeding to take out her cells and doing tests on them. When the scientists says, “I wish I could tell you” (Skloot 23), then the quote shows he did not know anything about Henrietta Lacks, just that her cells were remarkable. Also it is not right that the first scientists sold these cells and gave them to others who would repeat the process while Henrietta’s family were left to nothing from this. They had a responsibility to give credit to Ms. Lacks and her family but chose not to do

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