Helen Keller Impact On My Life Essay

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Books help readers boost their imagination and creativity. Every book or novel one read has an enormous impact on his/her life. Books are sources which leads us to become deep thinkers. Two novels which had an immense impact in my life are the novels “A Picture Book of Helen Keller” by David Adler and Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson. One book that I read which had a massive impact in my life is “A Picture Book of Helen Keller” by David Adler, it’s about Helen Keller and the struggles she faced. I read this book when I was in 1st grade. The book was about how Helen Keller overcame and progressed the fact that she was blind and deaf. This story taught me that we are all diverse with different skills but are all capable of accomplishing great things. This story inspired me as a reader and a child to never give up. It showed me that in life we will face various tasks which we need to accomplish in order to move on. The story also taught me to never look down on …show more content…

Melinda was raped by a senior in her school while she was drunk at a party. Melinda never truly told anyone that she was raped. Melinda thought that she could keep quiet, stay away from him and that she would be alright. Throughout the story Melinda realized that keeping quiet doesn’t help you in anyway, it does the opposite it slowly destroys you in the inside. Melinda’s personality began to change, but nobody question why. Melinda finally realized that getting raped wasn’t her fault, and she needs to accept it so she can move on. She has to let go of her inner demons so she can grow as a person. This novel helped me understand how a person feels or their “mind set” when they have gone through such a traumatic event. This novel made me realize that I should be so judgmental because I don’t know what they’ve been through in life, the challenges they face, and the inner conflicts they’re trying to

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