Heinz Doofenshmirtz Quotes

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[Dr. Evil and Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz inside of the Danville’s City Hall after taking over the city.] DR. DOOFENSHMIRTZ: It worked my friend! The Erase-Memory-Inator worked! Everyone in Danville now truly believes I, Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz, am the legitimate mayor! We have taken over the city, Dr. Evil! We have taken over! DR. EVIL: No, you have taken over the city, not me. After discovering Austin Powers is my brother, I’ve realized this evil thing isn’t for me. DR. DOOFENSHMIRTZ: (Dr. Doofenshmirtz brings out a control device that yields a trap to trap Dr. Evil) I knew that would come in hand. How is evil not for you? I mean it is your name. You’re evil! DR. EVIL: Yeah, I’m thinking of changing that too. How does Dr. Good sound? DR. DOOFENSHMIRTZ: Oh, the irony, it sounds bad! You’re evil, just like me! …show more content…

EVIL: Are you sure this evil thing is for you too? Your nemesis is a platypus for gosh sakes. And the sad thing about that is you lose every battle in a matter of seconds. I’m actually still shocked you won this one. Let’s see, it only took you 400,000 years and ka-zillion battles later to win. DR. DOOFENSHMIRTZ: That just shows my persistence, but that’s not the point! You’re going against me? And I assume to join this Austin Powers? DR. EVIL: Look, he’s my brother. We had our differences, but we’re, as the kids call it, cool now. Maybe you should reconcile with your brother and turn all of this

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