Hector Tobar's Deep Down Dark

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Deep Down Dark In the book Deep Down Dark by Hector Tobar he gives you the idea that Chile is a male dominated country. I could not agree more with him on this subject. Throughout the book Tobar suggests things such as women were not allowed in the work place, and that women were a bad omen down in the mine shafts. As you can see women were not allowed to do much. They didn’t work at all because their job was to stay home raise the children, keep the house clean, and make sure dinner is on the table when the husband got home. Even at Camp Esperanza you could see what the women’s role was. Throughout the novel you can see that Tobar was serious when he hinted that women were not allowed in the work place. Men were the bread winners in Chile and that is how they wanted to keep it. In Chile men see women as the one who stays home and raises the children. One example of seeing this in the novel is after the mine has collapsed, but no one knows about it yet Monica Avalos, Florence Avalos a miner trapped in the mine’s wife, is preparing dinner for her family and sewing her son’s sweater. As you can see she is doing the chores of the house. Monica is taking care of her son and making sure that diner is on the table when Florence gets home from work. …show more content…

There was no real reason behind this except that it was a superstition. From this superstition you can see that men almost looked down on women. Chile did have a female president sometime after the mining accident, but it was unheard of for a female to have any power. The only women that had some type of actually job was Maria Segovia, which was the sister of Mario Segovia, she sold items off of a cart in the street. Once this mining accident occurred they established Camp Esperanza, and Maria Segovia was known as the mayor of the

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