Heartaches Bad Boy Vibes Sparknotes

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Heartaches: Bad Boy Vibes is a romance novel written in second person by H.M. Irwing. Although the book is predominantly a romance, there is an abundance of action, adventure and mystery. The book is set in Melbourne Australia. The main character is eighteen-year-old Anna Walters - Simmons. Anna’s perfect life was shattered when her father passed away and her mother married an abusive man with a violent son. Ten years of living in this violent, dysfunctional environment has eroded Anna’s confidence. Described as being overweight and average, Anna attends a vocational school where she is bullied and harassed daily by her classmates. Things seem to be improving for Anna when her stepfather dies and the new boy at school, Matt, claims her as his girlfriend. But her happiness is short-lived. Matt …show more content…

He is also coping with an abusive, violent past. He is also haunted by memories of Syria where he was drugged and raped by his squad leader. He recognizes the pained, haunted look in Anna’s eyes. He decides to help her prosecute her rapists. As they grow closer, their sexual attraction becomes harder to deny. Can Rafe get justice for Anna? Can they each overcome their violent pasts so they can build a future together? What I liked most about this book was the characters and how the author presented them. The book was written in second person so all their thoughts and emotions were shared with the reader. The violent family backgrounds were revealed very early in the story. This allowed me to become emotionally invested in the main characters. My reactions to their graphic sexual assaults, detailed later in the book, would have been different if I did not know the history of abuse and violence. I often had to put the book down for a few moments to remind myself that these characters are not real people that I

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