Heart And Stroke Foundation

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Today was a rewarding day; I made a charity contribution of $25.00 to the Heart and Stroke Foundation. I chose this recipient because I already knew about the foundation; I used to receive calls to make a donation and also have seen commercials regarding the foundation. The foundation uses their donations to fund and conduct research for patients with heart disease and stroke complications. The contribution was made through the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada, which was located in Downtown Toronto. I could have also made the contribution over the phone or by mail but I decided to go to the office in person. The reason I chose to make the donation in person was because I wanted to know more about the foundation’s research, events, volunteer …show more content…

I decided to choose a foundation that gives back to my community because I know that the health care system helps Canadians on a daily basis. Funding is needed to conduct high quality research, the more people donate this will lead to more rich research being conduced to prevent and treat diseases to save Canadians. I cannot know the future, myself or someone really close to me might needs these services to stay healthy or survive. Therefore, I felt most happy when I made a contribution to the Heart and Stroke Foundation. While at the office making the contribution, I asked about volunteering to help raise donations for the Heart and Stroke Foundation. The reason I want to become a volunteer is because I was so amazed and shocked of the difference volunteers can make in helping contribute to the health of different members of our community. It felt amazing that I decided to contribute to a charity organization rather than to just one person. I feel as if donating to one individual only assists that one individual but to an organization. The donation goes for a cause that helps a group of individual that are in need and my money is going back into the community that assists

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