Healthy Diet and Regular Exercise can Improve your Physical Fitness

765 Words2 Pages

A fit, healthy lifestyle can improve your quality of life. In addition to looking and feeling better, getting fit can help you maintain a healthy weight, prevent injuries, boost your mental wellness, and reduce your risk of serious diseases, such as osteoporosis, certain cancers, and high blood pressure. In addition to eating healthy, getting fit requires regular exercise. This doesn't have to mean living in the gym and doing hours upon hours of exercise. With some clever scheduling, exercise can become part of your regular routine.

Step 1

Reduce your weight at a rate of 1 to 2 pounds a week, if you're overweight and need to lose some weight. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, weight loss at this gradual rate is easier to maintain long-term than faster weight loss. (See References 2, p. 5) Accumulate a daily deficit of 500 to 1,000 calories through diet and exercise to achieve this expert-recommended weight-loss rate.

Step 2

Consume a nutritious diet that includes foods from all the basic food groups. Eat a variety of veggies and fruits; get protein from lean sources, such as poultry and fish; choose dairy products that are low-fat or fat-free; include whole grains, such as oatmeal and brown rice. (See References 2, p. 6)

Step 3

Limit saturated and trans fats, because these raise your blood cholesterol levels, which can increase your risk of heart disease. Avoid foods, such as butter, lard, and stick margarine, and choose heart-healthy fats from foods, such as unsalted nuts, soft margarine, and canola and olive oils, instead. (See References 2, p. 6)

Step 4

Incorporate cardiovascular exercise into most days of the week. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention favors at least 150 m...

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...ortant? []

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: Aim for a Healthy Weight []

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: How Much Physical Activity Do Adults Need? []

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Why Strength Training? []

University of Florida: Adding Variety To An Exercise Routine Helps Increase Adherence []

American Council on Exercise: High-Intensity Interval Training []

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