Health Care Speakers Reflection

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Reflection Two I have enjoyed all the speakers throughout this class. Each speaker presents me a new aspect to consider when making decisions regarding my career in the health care system. Information from the speakers along with information from the book is helpful tools to use when looking at all of the opportunities in the health care system. Knowledge provided in the book helps me understand the job outlook, salary, and education required to perform the job. While the book provides great information, the speakers provide with real “on the job” experiences. Hearing about the mistakes and successes that have shaped them truly do inspire and encourage me to continue working toward my goal. Understanding the health care system is crucial …show more content…

The management team from Adam’s place reminded me that we are not only responsible for the patient, but we are also obligated to help the patient’s family. Listening to them explain why it’s important to consider every aspect of the emotional and physical damage patients may suffer from was very eye opening. Mackel was very informative; he was upbeat the entire time and I could tell he loved what he was doing. I felt as if he was recreating me to attend Life University. However, I didn’t mind because he was hilarious. I have much more respect for his work after hearing him speak. I was unaware of the gamut of services provided by chiropractors, the salary, and the flexibility of their schedules. Sasha, the social worker talked about a few experienced that intrigued me to learn more about the field. My mother, who works as a social worker, frequently shares her experiences with me, but they are quite different from Sasha’s experiences. Sasha has worked in many different setting as a social worker; she brought a new perspective to my attention. I had never considered the big picture that social workers take into account for every patient they

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