He Lost His Coat In The Deal: The Story Of Bartimaeus

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He Lost His Coat In The Deal
(Matthew 20:29-34; Mark 10:46-52; Luke 18:35-43)
The story of Bartimaeus was recorded by Matthew, Mark and Luke and a superficial reading of the accounts has cause thoughtless Bible critics to holler: Contradiction! Contradiction! Their claim is based upon a different perspective concerning the location of the event. Matthew and Mark state that it happened as Jesus was leaving Jericho and Luke says that it occurred as He “came near Jericho.”
A historical examination of the time reveals two Jericho cities. Herod the Great had built a new Jericho, about two miles south [toward Jerusalem] from the old Jericho. The event took place as He went away from one city and approached the other.
Contradiction! Contradiction! The skeptics yell again when they read what appears to them a variation in the number of blind men. But the fact that Matthew says two blind men were healed, while Mark and Luke mention only one does not constitute a contradiction. If Mark and Luke had stated that Jesus healed only one man and Matthew said there were two that would be contradictory. …show more content…

Some of those with the Lord tried to quiet the blind men, but they called out the more. Then Jesus stopped and called for them to come to him. Bartimaeus threw his coat aside and perhaps hurried as fast as a blind man can hurry to hear Jesus ask him what he wanted and, “The blind man said to Him, My Lord, that I may see again.” (Mark

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