Personal Narrative Essay: They's Just Not Good People

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“They’re just not good people.”
“But why?” I asked at age six not fully understanding who my father was talking about. I knew he was talking about his part of the family, but I didn’t think he was talking about everyone. It was just too general, too vague, too unattached. But that’s what I was told. When I wanted to know more about the family who only spoke Spanish and lived in another country, I was told they weren’t good people. So I just stopped asking. I stopped looking for answers from those who should have been the most informed and just accepted their belief. I blindly accepted the opinion held by one who I later learned had low opinions of everyone. As I got older, I became more and more detached from my father. I would never talk …show more content…

I was taught the value of food by going to farms and milking cows. I learned how nothing is wasted. I saw traditions through own eyes and experienced them for myself instead of hearing vague stories that never seemed to be finished from getting choked up on nostalgia. I couldn’t help but feel guilty for thinking of them differently without having met them. They treated more like a daughter than my dad ever has. They made me feel included and loved. They’re everything I always imagined a family to be …show more content…

Through my own experience, I was proven wrong. They showed me how wrong I was and I am grateful to them for that. I’m grateful for the love and kindness and culture they introduced to me. I’m glad they made me think for myself and carry my own opinion. I arrived with a predetermined expectation that was set so negatively by someone I could hardly care for. I left with a heavy heart as I held back tears when saying goodbye. An entire group of people that didn’t know me and didn’t have to treat me in any special left me feeling hopeful of everything else I had been taught to

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