Segregation In Society: Has Society Really Been Desegregated?

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Has Society really been desegregated?
Throughout the 20th century people like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and many other advocates of desegregation in society have stood for the togetherness of all races. In society, depending on who he or she is, he or she may tell you that segregation doesn’t exist anymore and that our society is heading in the right direction. He or she may be right to a certain extent, but take a moment and think about whom your main group of friends is, what type of people reflects your religious settings, and what cultural background reflects the main group of people at your work place. Our society may seem right but has totally reversed in terms of cultural diversity in every aspect of our lives. Every race is categorized for being and doing something that may seem to help or hinder society. From where I grew up in society, the world portrayed to me to …show more content…

These preconceived notions I was brought up with allows me to have a closed mind at times, but I can more than likely see the truth. The scenery of the logic I am presenting may seem bias or prejudice toward another cultural group over another, but have you seen the news, music, and the communities lately. It seems like every race is scared to venture out into other races, and if he or she does they are criticized every way possible. Have you realized for you to be in a certain group with different cultural backgrounds, you have to act really similar to that particular culture, even if you get along with them better, and then be called fake by your own culture if you do not have a

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