Harvest Cafe

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Through out generations people with intellectual and developmental disabilities have been treated poorly. In the past strives have been made to integrate them into society and loose the stigma of being different. Through an observation taken at Lifestyles, Choices, and/or Harvest cafe and the articles given out in class, we, the students are able to grasp a better understand of how those with intellectual and developmental disabilities work in setting that help them develop independency along with other skills. The place of observation took place at the Harvest Cafe that is owned and managed by A Very Special Place. The cafe is located on New Dorp Lane Staten Island, New York. The outside of the cafe has stairs as well as a ramp that allows …show more content…

In Graziano’s Emergent Forces he addresses the 5 primary issues of social role sensitivity. These issues are Advocacy, Dignity, Equality, and Personal Achievement. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, Advocacy, is defined as “the act of process of supporting a cause or proposal”. Although it is was not clearly presented, the Harvest Cafe, does in fact foster advocacy. This is because A Very Special Place is an advocacy group. Therefore the cafe is a beacon of support for those with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The second issue, dignity, is fostered in the cafe. The members of the cafe take pride in their work. They are treated respectfully and make sure to treat others respectfully as well. Equality is fostered through out the cafe because they are all treated the same way. They are all paid the same minimum wage. The last primary issue of social role sensitivity is personal achievement. This can be presented by the skills that they acquire such as learning and social skills. The skills that they learn help them transition into the community better along with growing …show more content…

These three models are Advocacy vision, Therapeutic vision, and Community vision. The vision that fits best for the Harvest cafe is Community visions. The idea of Community vision is to “understand the community is the basic context for enabling people to contribute their gifts”(page 57). It also “sees the goals as ‘recommunalization’ of exiled and labelled individuals”(page 57). This best fits the Harvest cafe because those working in the cafe break down stereo types for those with intellectual and developmental disabilities. They show others how they are independent and how they can have a life of their own. They are able to build friendships as well as relationships with their coworkers and members of the

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