Harry Potter Political Corruption

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As the story of Harry Potter progresses, it becomes increasingly clear that the Ministry of Magic is doing nothing to aid the fight against Voldemort and, in later books, it is actually helping evil progress throughout wizarding Britain. Political corruption in the Harry Potter series led to the rise of Voldemort and his Death Eaters through the totalitarian style of government, faulty judicial system, and rampant prejudice throughout wizarding society perpetuated by political leaders. The Government of Wizarding Britain In order to truly understand the political corruption throughout the novels, one must understand the wizarding style of government. The Minister of Magic acts as the executive head of the government, and heads the Ministry of Magic. Although he is an elected official, there is no evidence of primaries or term limits, or even that the common wizard elects him. The Ministry of Magic, which consists of seven departments, deals with legislation, which individual members of individual departments write and implement. The most important department of the seven is the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, which consists of Aurors—the wizarding police—as well as the Wizengamot. The Minister is also the head of the Wizengamot, essentially the wizarding supreme court, which creates policies, holds trials, and puts criminals in jail, similar to the American Supreme Court, except there is no separation of powers or judicial review.

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