Harlem Renaissance Thesis

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Sandra Ovalle
Ms. Schlossberg
English II CP
January 10, 2018
Harlem or Heaven The Roaring Twenties a period when a dramatic social and political change happened. Researching about Harlem was learning about how the people contributed more the music to America’s New Urban Culture. The Harlem Renaissance was a significant movement during the 1920s were African American artists were brought together, explored what it means to be an artist, what it is to create art and literature, as well as what it means to be a proud African American in a community, that influence each to stand-up together in a white-dominant culture, furthermore Harlem was a hotbed of political, cultural and social activity. While researching about the 1920’s, I found out so …show more content…

In the New York City neighbourhood of Harlem in particular attracted many african americans intellectuals and artists. Jazz first became popular in the nightclub cultures of big cities, but it wasn't Harlem clubs that one could see the artists fresh and uniquely american music. Jazz came to view in the African American. Jazz was from the mixed influences of ragtime, blues, hot jazz, and even band music that played in Funerals. Works produced during the Harlem Renaissance appealed not just to African Americans but it crossed over to white audiences as well as the musical “Shuffle Along” which in fact became a smash hit on Broadway. The rapid growing record industry who quickly became interested in performers such as Louis Armstrong, Bessie Smith, Fletcher Henderson, Cab Calloway, etc. One of the many great legends was Edward Kennedy Ellington but his friends simply called him Duke. Fletcher Henderson and Duke Ellington orthodoxe black jazz orchestras that began performing at nightclubs in Chicago and for a long run the Cotton Club in New York. They both employed some of the most accomplished Jazz Musicians such as Louis …show more content…

As it grew in influence and popularity, Jazz brought many young people together. It was such a social movement it brought mixed young people together to dance “The Charleston, The Cakewalk, The Black Bottom, The Flea Hop.” Since Jazz was such a influential and persuasive musical style. It had its time as a great social leveler and unifier. It brought together African Americans and Americans, in a love of fast, rhythmic music, which was multiplied through the radio and the recording industry. “What a crowd! All classes and colors met face to face, ultra aristocrats, bourgeois, communists, park avenue galore, publishers, broadway celebs, and harlemites giving each other the once over.” Jazz became attractively to popular Jazz Bands, it traveled widely playing all kinds of venues from restaurants, to dance halls, and even nightclubs. One of the many best renowned nightclubs would have to be the Cotton Club its where hollywood, paris and broadway rubbed elbows, people who came from all over the United States wanted to experience what was going on Harlem in the

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