Hamlet Really Crazy Research Paper

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Kevin Alvarez
Stephanie Fousek
English 102
30 March 2016
Hamlet is Crazy Mad genius or just crazy? There is much debate over the topic of whether or not Hamlet is actually crazy or just pretending. Someone who pretends to be crazy could really turn mad over time. One could also say that Hamlet is just a crazy genius . That he just so smart and that he plays it off to good . His wants to act "strange or odd" (I. v. 170, 172). When he talks to Guildenstern he even says that "his uncle-father and aunt-mother are deceived,"(II. ii. 360.)When he talks to Horatio before the party, he tells him that he is going to act crazy. He later confesses this truth to his mother that he is merely acting mad but despite the rumors, is actually completely sane. He …show more content…

We know that after returning in the beginning of the play that he finds out about his father’s death and that his uncle Claudius is going to marry his mother. This is enough bad news to make anyone a bit crazy. He even says, “Oh, that this too, too sullied flesh would melt, Thaw, and resolve itself into a dew, Or that the Everlasting had not fixed His canon 'gainst self-slaughter! O God, God!”(1.2.131-134). This is proof that he even thinks about killing himself. He tells Horatio not to say anything when he starts acting crazy. In Act 2 Scene 1, Hamlet is very rude towards Ophelia which may lead us to believe he is truly mad. He even starts to claim to see the devil when he says “The spirit that I have seen May be the devil: and the devil hath power To assume a pleasing shape”(2.2.188-189). He can see this ghost even though nobody else can. Horatio uses an allusion to compare the ghost to Julius Caesar and the tenantless graves and also uses and analogy when comparing ther fall of Caesar to the death of king Hamlet when he says “A little ere the mightiest Julius fell” (114). If this doesn’t sound crazy then I don’t know what is. Clearly, this guys is out of his

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