Hamlet Action Vs Inaction

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Hamlet states, “Whether 'tis nobler…to suffer/...Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, “ while contemplating action vs. inaction after committing to avenging his father’s death (3.1.58,60). Throughout Hamlet by William Shakespeare, Hamlet contemplates action versus inaction after learning of his father’s murder and his mother’s hasty marriage to his uncle. Hamlet struggles towards taking action to avenge his father’s death and life in general. Due to strategic plans he constructs prior to taking action, Hamlet is not a coward. The recurring motif of the word coward, towards and from Hamlet, caused a dividend between readers who assumed Hamlet was a coward, and others, that he was not a coward. According to Dictionary.com, a …show more content…

Hamlet used logos, the appeal to logic, to help determine how and when he should avenge his father. In Act 3, Scene , Hamlet had the opportunity to kill his father’s murderer but, at the time, “[that was] hire and salary, not revenge, “ (3.3.80). Hamlet had the perfect opportunity to kill Claudius while Claudius was praying, but Hamlet did not want Claudius to be recognized as a hero who prayed and did no wrong. Therefore, Hamlet used logic in order to avenge his father the proper way so the kingdom did not look at Claudius as a hero, and Hamlet as a villain instead of a courageous, persistent man. In order for logos to be effective in showing Hamlet’s courage, Hamlet also had to use pathos, the appeal to emotion. Hamlet’s emotions made him seem as if “[t]hat hath made him mad” when in all actuality, Hamlet was the most sane person in the novel (2.1.111). Hamlet was the most sane person in the novel because he was the only person who had the courage to show their emotions towards what was happening with the King and Queen. Claudius wanted to give off the impression that Hamlet was mad because that would lead to nobody believing Hamlet if Hamlet found out that Claudius killed Hamlet’s father. Hamlet’s ethos effectively covered Hamlet’s knowledge of all of the events taking place to effectively set him up to use logos to …show more content…

Hamlet could have easily walked up to Claudius and killed him, but instead he focused on finding out if Claudius really killed his father first because “[t]he spirit that [Hamlet saw] [m]ay be the devil, ” (2.2.577-578). Hamlet decided to have a play and watch Claudius in order to see Claudius’s reactions to find out whether or not Claudius killed Hamlet’s father. Hamlet did this to make sure he was not killing a man who did no wrong other than marrying his mother incestously. Hamlet held a trial in his mind. The ghost was the prosecutor, Claudius was the defendant, and Hamlet was the judge and jury. The ghost came with evidence and then Hamlet made sure to prove the evidence was true before he convicted Claudius to a death

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