Halloween Age Restriction

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Trick-or-treating known as the nationwide holiday of Halloween. Taken place on the day of October thirty first. A day full of costumes, candy and good vibes. Seen as the day where nearly everyone no matter the age can enjoy. A holiday that can bring a community together. While many might not see a problem in trick-or-treating, a few people around the world do, and are looking to put an age restriction on this special day. Local governments should not put a age restriction on trick-or-treating because criminal activity may increase with bored teens,and Halloween might be the only day that struggling kids feel normal. Putting an age restriction on this holiday leaves a big risk of increasing the criminal activity on that special night. Many teenagers still participate in the Halloween activities. If they didn't what else could they be doing on that night? Putting a restriction on this day would cause kids to find something else to entertain them which may result in bad decisions. When teenagers get bored they tend to make rebellious decisions. For instance last Halloween a boy that went by “Johnny” around the age of 15. His parents had told him he was too old to participate in trick-or-treating, that same night out of …show more content…

Halloween is the only holiday nearly everyone world wide comes together. Making those that are ill feel normal about life again. Timothy Jones , age 17 diagnosed with stage four cancer. Most of his days are spent on the inside in a uncontaminated area. However on Halloween night all of that changes, he is able to be normal. Going out with his friends and family collecting not only candy but good memories full of laughter and joy. Putting an age restriction this day could hurt kids just like Timothy worldwide. This day is probably the only chance given for them to feel normal again. Everyone deserves to enjoy Halloween no matter the

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