Habitat For Humanity Essay

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Hello, my partner and I have started a blog to review websites. Our names are Alexander Nong and Jacob O’Neal. For our first blog entry, we have reviewed the website: Habitat for Humanity. The link for this website is:https://www.habitat.org/. The main topic of this website is homelessness. People who want more information about where they can donate money to help homeless people should visit this site. After we browsed the site a bit, we came across the website’s main mission which was to “put God’s love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities and hope” (Habitat for Humanity Mission). This site is striving to help homeless people. Something I noticed is there not a lot of things on the website. There around 6-7 tabs of information, their mission, etc. There's also some pictures and videos. The colors …show more content…

Here is one of the stories they've provided. “ People’s lives have been turned upside down as disaster has damaged or destroyed the place they call home. Nowhere is this more evident than in Puerto Rico, where families deserve our help and our support in the challenges they now face. Decent and affordable housing will be a fundamental building block in Puerto Rico’s recovery – and we are all morally obligated to help” (Habitat for Humanity stories Paragraph 2) . A few important facts listed on the website are “Families in Puerto Rico are counting on us” (Habitat for Humanity Puerto Rico Story). One way they get you to feel sympathy towards them is to “Imagine your daily life but with the added burdens of heightened exposure to the risk of disease, inadequate protection from the world around you and the threat of repeat displacement. Hurricane season only reminds us how precarious life is for families who still find themselves in this situation” (Habitat for Humanity Puerto Rico Story Paragraph

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