Guido And Dora Analysis

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Guido and Dora earn a living in two completely opposite ways. Guido is a serving important people in a restaurant type place, but he is doing more / talking / than anything else. Later we see Dora at a school assembly where she and other teachers are present. The place where Guido works looks more like a hotel lobby than a restaurant, yet he is dressed in a waiter’s uniform and serving food. I also think part of his job includes public relations, or entertaining with his gift of gab. The two men that he is serving seem to be important people. They are wearing suits and look to be some kind of business men. I would say that the first man is a writer. I say this because he looked as if he was having “writers block”, and Guido got him out of it with an idea he shared with him. The second man is probably a government official coming into town to make an appearance at the school assembly. I would say Guido’s job is more appealing since he seems to enjoy what he is doing a lot more than the other men. He takes whatever he is doing and makes it exciting. He seems to be very good at what he …show more content…

You can clearly see in the second scene that he loves to perform in front of people. Dora is a little harder to figure out though. I want to say she is the “educator” because of her profession, but I believe deep down she is the “thinker.” She doesn’t want to get too carried away emotionally, yet she is curious and wants to learn new things. I don’t think either of them are satisfied with their jobs. They are too curious to be settled for where they are in life. When it comes to my job I want to be happy with what I’m doing, but being in God’s perfect will is where I should find true joy. I believe our lives are made beautiful in how we perceive life, for if we live in God’s purpose we will live life on purpose with no

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