Guacamole Ice Cream: A Narrative Fiction

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A blob was spotted in a garden of a 13-year old girl named Jewels, apparently, it erupted from the ground because it wanted to see what our world looked like, and the blob was proclaimed to increase in size if it was hurt by another force. The blob was reported to have risen from the soil. This creature was described as slimy, bug-like shaped, and talkative. According to the teenager that took place in the event, she stated, ¨When I first spotted the creature it said, ‘Guacamole ice cream.’ What the heck does that mean? All I could do was fight back, it also made a weird noise with its body which freaked me out. Then with one smack, the blob increased its own figure to be twice its size.” You may say that people can just imagine this stuff. Although who knows what may be in this world now. We don’t know everything, but we can still find out. Jewels quickly shot a photo of the creature on her phone for evidence. …show more content…

According to experts, they say that it seemed to be some kind of portal. The portal was made as if a pit was dug up from someone who shoveled it. This a photo of the blob that Jewels took with her phone. A question that is unable to be answered is how this all happened. A part of the story that Jewels stated was that after she threw the blob against a tree, it explained a mini story to her. The short explanation included Lelinipie saying that she just wanted to explore the outside world that they call the Place of The Unknown. The blob spoke out saying that it wanted to explore a new world and be the first to find a new dimension. She said that she comes from the world called Jaminkasic. Jewels expresses that the blob said, “Nice to meet you. I feel like you don’t like me, but it doesn’t matter now since I’m going to take over your world.” A moment after this a pit/portal was created in the ground, it disappeared into a different

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