Growing Up Without Religion

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Growing up in India was hard for anyone, but growing up at the bottom of the cast system in India was even harder. The lack of industrialisation in the country alone makes it harder for my country to survive. Cows roam the streets as they please, leaving faeces behind them. However cows are sacred in my land so they can do whatever they please. There is a constant foul smell in india do to the amount of people, lack of plumbing, and cow feces.
I wasn't able to get much of an education do to my family being poor. I was sent to work at age ten to help provide for my family. The education I did receive was from my mother, she taught me what little she knew. My mother was a seamstress, she made all of our clothing. We still wore old torn up fabric …show more content…

My father would stay up with me reading me the scripture of our people called the Vadas, just as his father did to him. I became so intrigued by the scripture and how I should grow up and live my life. I wanted to find the true enlightenment just as the Vadas talked about.
I watched my father go into our house puja and worship our Gods. When I was old enough he taught me how to worship just like him. I wanted nothing more than to have complete insight to our Gods. To show them I was worthy of enlightenment. I followed Hindu law just like my father taught me. I did my Dharma, which is the act in staying in your cast system. It is better to do your cast porley, then to do another cast good. That’s the law of our people. I followed the laws of Karma, every action has a reaction. I might have grew up poor but our Gods were going to see I was …show more content…

Brahma has four heads and it is believed that from these heads came the four Vedas, the most ancient religious texts for Hindus. He has four arms and usually has a beard. Shiva is represented with a third eye representing the wisdom and insight he has. It is also believed to be the source of his untamed energy. He wears a cobra necklace that shows his power over the dangerous creatures on earth. He has three lines drawn down his forehead called vibhuti. They represent shiva’s superhuman power and wealth. Shiva holds a trident that represent the three functions of hindu triumvirate. While other gods are depicted in lavish surroundings, Shiva is dressed in simple animal skin and usually in a yogic position. Even though Shiva is a destroyer in most statues he has a smile his face. Vishnu is represented with a blue body with four arms. In his hands are a conch, representing the sound of creation, chakra symbolising the mind, lotus flower an example of liberation,and a mace that represents mental and physical strength. I loved my time with my Guru. He was able to answer and encourage all the questions I had about our faith (Hinduism,

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