Growing Up Research Paper

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Unfortunately more often than not, stories punctuated by the line “I hate my job” have reached my ears. The reality of mankind’s tendency to be lazy and despise hard labor stands in complete opposition to the basic truth of the universe: we must work to survive and thrive. Luckily, in the economic system in place across nearly the entire globe, the jobs we assume not only provide us with a means of self-sufficiency, but a path to better ourselves. Each and every experience in our lives provides an opportunity for growth and advancement, a fact that is usually preached in a cliche “learn from your mistakes” or “get better every day” speech. However, listening to a lecture rarely if ever prompts an immediate realization and rapid change. …show more content…

At a young age, children tend to model the actions of their parents, following them around and incessantly asking questions — with myself being no exception to this rule. I loved washing the Minchow family vehicles with my dad splashing soapy water everywhere and perhaps doing more harm than good, but seizing an opportunity to learn and grow. I would tail my mom and ask if I could help dust the house, then excitedly grabbing a dust cloth and hurriedly wiping down one of the many pieces of furniture. I know that I missed well over half the dust on any given dresser or end table, but I felt important and helpful …show more content…

The co-workers and customers I have interacted with throughout my employed life have made my job bearable, if not fun at times. I have continued to build my ability to communicate with others and build genuine connections that are necessary to succeed in any service job. My job at Memorial Stadium is inherently competitive which has allowed me to make plenty of friends at work as we battle for the position of top seller. I have been afforded many opportunities to advance up in the ranks and continue to learn how to make more money. My job as a concessions seller, along with any position in retail or food service, are some of the most rewarding and social skill promoting jobs one can have. Luckily this category of jobs is the most available to teens, and each one of them, like myself, should snag

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