Growing Up In A Divorced Family

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Growing up in a blended family I experienced what it was like to have a different dad than my siblings. I would see my sisters leaving every other weekend to go see their dad and I remember how they hated it. I was thankful that I did not have to go through what they did and I thought I was so lucky to have both parents at home. Well not to long after that it was my turn to do all the packing up and going to my dad’s house and it was such a hassle. Through this experience I have realized how many different types of divorced dads there are. You will find the “Full-Time dad”, a “Holiday dad”, and more times than not you will find the “Dead beat dad”. Divorce is a very hard thing for children no matter if you’re 4 or 14. We still need our dads in our life just like he was when our parents where together. The dads that are there all the time, or the …show more content…

This type of dad will go years without talking to there children and will only talk to them when they are needing money or go to jail and the only number they remember is the house phone number and that just because they lived in that house for 13 years. Yes, this exact thing happened to me. I had not heard form the deadbeat in over 3 years and one night while sitting in the living room with my mom he called us. It was the worst possible feeling every! These types of dads are not worth keeping up with because they are probably out looking for the next girl they have lined up to sleep with. Their children are the last thing on there mind and haven’t been on their mind for awhile. Even though it is very hard to stomach the fact that my dad is like this after 6 long and hard years I have finally learned how to live without him. Of course all of the memories come back of how he was always there for me and it is not easy seeing all of my friends go and do stuff with there dad but I am better off without the man in my

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