Group Hazard Hypothesis

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This movie is one of a group of New York City gangs that have been called together by Cyrus leader of the Riffs. At the meeting Cyrus is killed by Luther which is the leader of the Rogues. Luther frames the gang the Warriors for the killing. The movie is based around the Warriors having to make it back to their turf Coney Island. During the journey, several of the group die during the altercations with the other gangs. Many gang characteristics are shown in this film. The main theme I believe is the group hazard hypothesis. The groups in the movie follow their leader no matter what. The term group hazard hypothesis covers that crimes that groups commit are acted on by the criminal justice system than those not (Lab & Whitehead, 2015). This is probably because there is more attention drawn because of the vast numbers. The gathering and shooting of Cyrus caused attention which prompted the police. Chaos happened due to the size and as Cyrus had stated that the gangs had more numbers than the cops that there was no way to restore order. The different gangs had established turfs or territories that they were from and lived in. There are symbols such as the clothing that signify the membership in the gang. The criminal part came in how the other gangs committed crimes such as murder, vandalism, and assault. All of these makeup whom the gangs are. The …show more content…

The sense of belonging is a main determination of a gang. People want to belong. Many times these youths have no family around to guide them. The status helps many gang members feel important. The Orphans thought they were important until finding out they were not invited to the Cryus meeting. The acceptance and group cohesion of a gang show in the movie. The gangs stuck together thru fights and no matter what. Many of them knew they might not survive the night but still journeyed on with their gang group (Lab & Whitehead,

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