Grimm Brothers Cinderella

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Fairytales are folk tales that reflect the basic human condition of the era it was told in. They usually are intended to convey a message and/or lesson. People realized a long time ago that the best way to teach something is to make it interesting and implement it in a short story. The stories can be told in different ways to suit different ages and cultures. Folktales are oral stories and are not written down. They have a clear theme and need no further explanation or analysation when they are told, yet some people tend to over-analyse its simple content. While in written stories the author cannot control the interpretation that readers give to their work, that's why we tend to over-analyze them The best example of a folktale is about …show more content…

Cinderella was the daughter of a wealthy man. After the death of her mother, Cinderella’s father rushed to remarry within the same year. The author describes this as if the father never cared for Cinderella or her mother. He states, “Every day the girl went to the grave of her mother and wept… When winter came, the snow covered the grave with a white blanket, and when the sun had taken it off again in the spring, the rich man remarried.” The death of Cinderella’s mother is an example of an unavoidable obstacle. No one can avoid the ache that comes with losing someone or something. This fairy tale is meaningful to children because Cinderella had to overcome that loss by staying optimistic and hopeful. The stepmother humiliated Cinderella many times, for example, she asked: “If you can pick out two bowlfuls of lentils from the ashes in the next hour, then you can go”. Cinderella is Treated unjustifiably and unkindly. Rather than returning evil for evil, Cinderella stays kind and mindful. The Cinderella story shows us that we can act properly and endure when teased or humiliated and God will award us greatly. Although “Cinderella” used to be a folktale until someone decided to write it down, I believe it is told mainly for entertainment and doesn't focus on conveying a specific lesson to

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