Grief Essay

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Blessed are those who mourn: for they shall be comforted.
~ Matthew 5:4
The death of a loved one is an experience that many people experience at some point in their life. The realization of death will cause a person to become an emotional rollercoaster. The emotion of grief can be a confusing state of being that makes a person feel lost and discombobulated. According to Merriam-Webster dictionary the term grief is used interchangeably with bereavement which is the state of losing a loved one and grief is the emotional response to the loss of someone that the bereaved has a personal bond to. Grieving the loss of a child can stretch back as far as the beginning of time, for example, the Bible speaks of many that lost a child, even Mary watched her son Jesus die.
Through this information we know that death is a common experience and the death of a child is not excluded in the equation. Although there is a lot of research about grief and how a person copes with it they all convert back to the five stages of grief. This is the most popular model to describe the grief process is the Kübler-Ross model, or simply the five stages of grief which was introduced in 1969 by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross in her book, On Death and Dying. The five stages of grief are denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. This research will explain process of the parents affected by the death of a child and how to counsel someone while grieving a child.

Five Stages Of Grief
The first stage of Kübler-Ross’s stages of grief is denial. In this stage, the bereaved refuses to accept that a loved one has passed away. This stage is controlled by the heart, rather than mind. Meaning although the evidence has been placed before the bereaved, the realization ...

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...grieves in a healthy manner.
Throughout this paper, the grieving process has been examined and expound upon to try and achieve a greater perception on helping a person when the grief is too hardtop bear. Although death is a tragic occurrence, it is also a frequent occurrence. The effects of losing a love one can be detrimental and very hard to get over. Losing a child can have an even greater effect because it a special bond is broken when a child passes away. Recovering from a loss of this magnitude can be even almost unbearable. The death of a child can leave a parent wondering where to go from this point and how to continue life. Although everyone grieves differently, there are some commonalities that can be witnesses and helping a person through the rough stages of grief is very important aspect of how they will spend the rest of their life.

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