Grey's Anatomy Figurative Language

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Grey’s Anatomy, a popular television drama shown on ABC, allows viewers to become invested in the lives of the major surgeons at Grey-Sloan Memorial Hospital. This show teaches the importance of supportive friends and how to put other people’s lives before one’s own. Unlike the shows Friends and Gossip Girl, Grey’s Anatomy evokes a different type of emotion. Each of the three shows illustrate a sense of friendship and excitement as young adults and high school students figure out who they are in this world while experiencing drama such as parental issues, job issues, and the explosion of hurt feelings between friends. Grey’s Anatomy is a show that is more action packed and emotionally tugging to make the viewers feel as if they are standing in the midst of a hospital environment because of its great acting, setting, and emotionally-investing story line. Grey’s Anatomy allows viewers to enter into an alternate reality that is addicting, emotion-evoking, and allows those watching to relate the many tragic and exciting situations to his or her personal life. …show more content…

The dramatic show pulls out an emotional purging that keeps viewers wanting to continuing watching each week. Since this show is so evokes so much emotions, those who watch it tend to become more emotionally invested in it. With the endurance of many emotional responses, the suspense of this television show keeps building which allows tears to flow, screams to be released, and a warming of hearts that brings everyone a great sense of joy. Throughout every break-up, death, and family-separation, Shonda Rhimes, the director, demonstrates a clear storyline that keeps everyone in the

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