Greek Theatre Research Paper

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Have you ever wondered where the Olympics started or maybe where your favorite theatre comedies originated from? Well the answer is Greece. Greece is where these two wondrous forms of entertainment and competition started and expanded from. Both sports and theatre influenced and changed Greek live changing the way we live our lives in the process. Sports were an important aspect of Greek life for both children and adults. Greek children usually played with each other competitively such as racing each other or playing games such as ephedrismos and morra. Usually the boys and the girls played separately because the Greek boys liked to play naked. Greek parents also encouraged their children to do juggling as a way to improve their motor skills. Sports was all about winning even for the children back in …show more content…

Two types of plays were developed in Greek particularly in Athens called tragedies, a serious play based on myths, and comedies, funny maybe even rude plays. Playwrights who regularly wrote these plays usually became quite successful and famous. Such as Euripides, who was known for his dialogues, realism, and habit of posing awkward questions to the audience, and Sophocles, who was “extremely popular and added a third actor to the performance as well as painted scenery” (Cartwright). Almost every major Greek city had an open-air theatre for plays. During those plays actors often wore costumes and different masks showing different moods, music often accompanied the plays. In conclusion, Greek sports and theatre has changed Greek lives, it has provided Greeks with a form of entertainment, it has provided jobs, it has brought riches and fame to the athletes and playwrights. Greek sports and theatre has made a huge difference over what people do. Both for the ancient Greeks and modern people in more ways than anyone can

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