Greek Hero's Quest For Honor In The Iliad

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In the epic poem titled the Iliad, the Greek heroes believed that proving personal honor was the main priority in their life. Throughout the epic poem the heroes want to prove that they are worthy enough of honor and excellence. It is very important for a hero in the Iliad to prove their honor because not having honor shows fear. They strongly believe that honor characterizes who they are as a hero. A Greek hero will do whatever it takes to accomplish honor, even if it means leaving their loves ones behind, claiming other men’s women as their “prize,” and fighting a battle where they may lose their life.
The heroes believe that the war should be placed above everything, even if that means putting it before loved ones. It doesn’t matter …show more content…

A man who claims a woman as his “prize” is seen as an accomplishment for honor. It is seen as dishonorable when a man’s “prize” is taken from him. In the beginning of the epic poem the Achaeans capture two Trojan women named, Chryseis and Briseis. Agamemnon claims Chryseis and Achilles claims Briseis. Chryseis’s father, Chryses, is so upset that his daughter has been taken, that he asks Apollo for help. Apollo sends a plague on the Achaean camp which causes death upon many. “Agamemnon had dishonored Chryses, Apollo’s priest, so the god struck the Greek camp with plague, and the soldiers were dying of it” (page 1). Agamemnon cannot take the death of his soldiers anymore, so he offers up Chryseis but only if Apollo will give him Briseis. Agamemnon does not want to be left with no “prize” because he knows his honor will be at stake. “I want another prize ready for me right away. I’m not going to be the only Greek without a prize, it wouldn’t be right” (page 5). Agamemnon will feel humiliated if he gives up his “prize” which is why he wants to take Achilles’ “prize.” Achilles gets very upset when he hears Agamemnon’s proposal because he does not want his women taken from him. Achilles is so furious that he threatens to withdraw from battle. But Agamemnon does whatever it takes to prove that he has honor, even if it means going behind Achilles back. “Go to the hut of Achilles, son of Peleus; bring back the girl, …show more content…

Achilles was criticized because he withdrew from battle, but when he returns he is able to gain his honor and glory back. He withdrew from the war because he was angry at Agamemnon, he returns when he finds out about Patroclus’s death. Achilles is so angry and upset when he hears the news of his best friend. Achilles wants to return to the war because he wants avenge on Hector because he killed Patroclus. “Welcome me home, since I no longer have the will to remain alive among men, not unless Hector loses his life on the point of my spear” (page 358). By returning to the war, Achilles is proving that he has honor once again. He is not scared of Hector and will not back down until he is dead. Achilles has determination that he will gain his glory once Hector is dead. Achilles had the option to fight or stay at home where he could live a long life. He chooses to fight because he knows he knows that he is fated to die young. “If it is true that I have a fate like his, then I too will lie down in death” (page 358). Achilles will continue to fight until he gets the opportunity to slay Hector. He knows that when he kills Hector he will be fulfilling his destiny and proving his honor because he is killing for a friend. When Achilles finally gets the chance to kill Hector, he does not have any mercy. He puts his spear right through Hector’s throat. “It was there Achilles

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