Greed Vs Imperialism

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History has alwyas demonstrated that atrocious events have been repeated; it is an unbreakable cycle. Greed, selfishness, ignoring misfortune and suffering, imperialism, and genocides have all cycled back. In fact, it isn’t if history will repeat itself but that it is repeating itself. Throughout history, people killed, enslaved, dehumanized, and degraded anyone they deemed as inferior, and all as means to advance their own selfish agendas. For example, many European empires conquered the indigenous living on the land that caught their eye, oppressing and exploiting them to become richer. When the U.S became independent from the British Empire, an empire who also had a fair share at selfish advancement, they carried on with the slavery of Africans and forced migration of Native Americans off their land, so they could please their greed and pride. This is solid evidence pointing at the repetition of greed and selfishness. …show more content…

Before urbanization, much of the poor and disabled were ignored and left on their families as burdens. As more and more cites grew and as more people moved to them, the unfortunate could no longer be ignored. While some laws have been ratified to help those who lie at the bottom of our society, it has not done enough. Still to this day, the rich with all the power to help judge whether the minimum wage earning mother with two young children who can barely afford to put food on the table is worthy enough to be even receive that help in “hard earned” taxpayer

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