Compare And Contrast The Salem Witch Trials And The Crucible

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Perhaps the most famous example of history repeating itself is Hitler 's disastrous campaign in Russia. This event closely mirrored Napoleon 's failure on the same Eastern front in many ways. The most obvious is the fact that the Russians used almost the exact same tactics to win both times. They allowed their enemies to march forward into their homeland almost effortlessly, but while they were retreating they also burned and destroyed anything that could be used by their opposition. By the time Napoleon, and later Hitler, realized this, it was too late as the Russian winter had already set in. This led to both Hitler and Napoleon facing devastating losses as their both their armies were carrying mainly light supplies and thus were not prepared …show more content…

Even other nations spoke fondly of them until they began to covet the land of their neighboring countries – Hitler even won Time 's person of the year award twice. However, their popularity did not make them invincible and both men eventually succumbed to their enemies largely in part to Russia 's famous General Winter. Another common comparison in American is McCarthyism was extremely similar to the Salem Witch Trials. This is largely because of the play written by Arthur Miller, “The Crucible”. Despite the origins of the comparison, it still holds true. Both events were started by people who were extremely well respected by their peers accusing others of a hard-to-prove crime. Abigail Williams led the crusade against witches in the Salem Witch Trials while republican senator Joseph McCarthy preached the evils of communism and homosexuality. Even though the events occurred centuries apart, the mass-hysteria and fear aroused in the general populace was equally frightening in both events. Abigail thoroughly had the small town of Salem wrapped around her finger as she and her friends accused those they did not like, mainly women, of being witches and afflicting horrible spells upon them. McCarthy also had the support …show more content…

During the peak of their reigns of terror, they even had their peers accusing each other. This led to at least 19 deaths in the case of the Salem Witch Trials and thousands of ruined reputations, lost jobs and unwarranted jail time for McCarthy 's Red Scare. Abigail and McCarthy started their respective hunts as self-serving endeavors in order to further their own ambitions and selfish desires. Abigail was a poor, orphaned 11 year old girl who craved attention and desperately wanted to raise her status in society. McCarthy desired to make an illustrious political career

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