Great Gatsby's Future

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Although The Great Gatsby utilises a precise era and setting to cultivate atmosphere, the novel equally explores past actions and future possibilities. For example, Jay Gatsby is infatuated with the past, and yearns for a future with Daisy. Nevertheless, while Gatsby’s extravagant parties ostensibly impress him upon the present, he “talked a lot about the past” (106), indicating his distant, distracted nature. Accordingly, Gatsby effectively bypasses the present, rendering him an incomplete, somewhat naive character. Gatsby’s discussion with Nick exemplifies this naiveté: “‘You can’t repeat the past.’ ‘Can’t repeat the past?’ he cried incredulously. ‘Why of course you can!’” (106). Gatsby’s disbelief is indicative of his obliviousness to present circumstances. …show more content…

Moreover, Gatsby’s aloofness manifests during his meeting with Daisy at Nick’s house. Nick describes Gatsby’s eyes as “absent” (79) and his expression as “blank” adding, “I don’t believe he saw a thing”

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