Grease Movie Essay

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Grease is a coming-of-age film set in the 1950s. The movie begins with Sandy Olsson and Danny Zuko falling in love on the beach over the summer. When the summer ends, the two part ways to begin their senior years of high school. Originally, Sandy was supposed to return to Australia, however she ends up having a change of plans and attending Rydell High School. By the end of her first day at school, she had already met a group of girls named the Pink Ladies and informed them of her love-filled summer. On the night of the school pep rally, the Pink Ladies bring Sandy over to meet the T-Birds, a male clique at the school, whose head man is the one and only, Danny Zuko. When Sandy and Danny are reunited, we see Danny putting on his tough guy persona …show more content…

Sandy experiences the negative emotion of sadness after Danny’s behavior around his buddies is far from the Danny she met on the beach over the summer. Sadness expressions can be seen through crying, redness in the whites of the eyes due to crying, slumped posture, and slow movements. We see her crying outside of Frenchie’s house while singing “Hopelessly Devoted to You.” In the song, she expresses her feelings about Danny, her heart’s hopeless devotion to him despite what her mind is telling her to do. From there, Sandy engages in situation-focused strategies to manage her sadness. She keeps her distance from Danny and tries to develop a relationship with one of the school’s jocks. She is purposefully changing the situation she is in in order to avoid continued sadness. The outcome of the sadness is positive when she and Danny end up together. By the end of the film, Sandy and Danny realize they would do anything for the other, including changing their wardrobes at the end to try to win the other back. Danny experiences jealousy when Sandy begins going out with the school jock. He resents the jock for the loss of Sandy’s attention and

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