Graphic Organizer Essay

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Children are assessed each and every day in their classroom; from telling up a story and coloring a picture about it to being record on video in the beginning of the year and played at the end of the years. Teachers are taking notes on every move some of their students make. These observations that the teachers are taking all get produced into some source of a portfolio to display the child’s work and growth throughout their year at school. I see portfolio building each week when I am observing children, all their assignments are leading up to one way or another that they will be assessed on.

Graphic organizers are widely used in education; they can be seen being used anywhere from Pre-K through high school. A graphic organizer is diagrams, webs, or other visual representations of information. Teachers can use them to support and extend student’s learning and …show more content…

Multiple types of graphic organizers can help children learn that their work serves a purpose. (naeyc, 2016) A web is one form of a graphic organizer that is one way to display they use of a child’s learning. A topic can be added to the circle in the beginning of the page and the child can brain storm their ideas off the of main topic in the center. Webs can be used to access the child’s …show more content…

Anecdotal records are useful for taking short hand notes that will be put into a written paper in the future. These records go by fast because when observing children there’s multiple movements and conversations taking place. It is usually a good idea to note down the time and place of the observation being taken. After the observation has been recorded it is best to then give a short interpretation of what is happening in that moment. Paying attention to the detail taking place in the moment could help with understanding the moment for a parent or instructor reading the notes taken in the future. (Back to basic,

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