Graphic Communication: Interview Response: Graphic Design

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Interview Response Essay We live in a world where you can be anything thing you want, and use your imagination to create anything you want to create. Graphic design gives some the ability to build something magical on a computer or paper and turn it into a solid form for others to see or use. Graphic design or graphic communications is the art and practice of planning and projecting ideas and experiences with visual and textual content. The form of the communication can be physical or virtual, and may include images, words, or graphic forms. The experience can take place in an instant or over a long period of time. The work can happen at any scale, from the design of a single postage stamp to a national postal signage system, or from a company’s …show more content…

The designer has to be able to understand what the customer wants their product to look like. From the color, and font, to the size and what material they customer wants. Graphix Connections is a graphic design shop South Point, Ohio. I had the opportunity to ask the owner a few questions about verbal and non-verbal communication in his business. Keith Chapman has been in the graphic communications business for thirteen years. Most individuals learn how to be a graphic designer from schooling. Keith learned differently…he said, “It’s been passed down through family. My father started a home business making sign and banners. He taught me and I’ve taught my children”. Starting your own business cannot be easy, but for Chapman it wasn’t about being a business owner it was about doing something that was passed down through family. He stated, “My father gave me his equipment so I could make extra money. I loved the flow of the money I was making and having my kids’ help, so I decided that I could do it as an actual business and make it a family …show more content…

This can include eye contact, frequency of glances, blink rate, gestures, facial expressions, postures, and more (The Importance of Non-Verbal Communication). Chapman stated, “If I ask the customer a question that needs a yes or no answer then I understand them with nonverbal. But the customer has to know exactly what they want. I can’t guess what they want their product to look like”. This is when non-verbal communication comes to play. If the graphic designer asks the customer questions that need a yes or no answer, then nonverbal head nods or faces make sense. Keith also said, “If I understand what the customer wants then they’ll be happy with the results of their product.” Chapman also had a lot to say about mindful of nonverbal communication. As in, “You have to show strong assertiveness, and show that you understand what the customer is saying to you while you’re not talking. Such as eye contact, and shaking your head while their

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