Graphene Conclusion

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As transistors get smaller and smaller, silicone transistors are shrinking rapidly to nearly atomic scale. As silicone transistors reach that size, it starts to become ineffective. Transistors has reached a saturation limit, where if made smaller electrons cannot be stopped from source to drain. Graphene now comes into the pictures. Graphene, is the hot topic that every physicists, material scientists, and electrical engineers have been talking about. Why did it garner such popularity in the scientific world, and deserve a Nobel Prize? One, out of many great future application of Graphene is further the shrinkage of transistors. Dominated in a world of silicone transistors, as it is being shrunk to near atomic sizes there emerges many limitations; one of which is the halt of further improvement in transistor speed. Graphene is composed of single carbon atoms bounded together to form a flat hexagonal plane, where one carbon is at each of the six corners. Multiple hexagonal shapes are connected together to form a plane. The “miraculous” physical aspect of this composition allows the e...

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