Grandma Descriptive Writing

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I wiped my tired blue eyes as I stumbled down the steep wooden steps that creaked under the pressure of my callused summer feet. My matted, curly hair reeked of bonfire from the late night before. My nose was stuffy from sleeping in one of the humid upstairs bedrooms of my grandparent’s farmhouse. The thick, oak door at the bottom of the stairs squeaked when I pushed it open. As I turned left and shuffled into the bright yellow kitchen, I was hit hard with the smell of black coffee and burnt toast. My eyes confirmed it. There, on a brown oval shaped table sat two pieces of black toast covered with a half inch of butter and smothered with creamy peanut butter. I laughed to myself, knowing I better eat that crumbling brick my grandmother calls …show more content…

Half of the table consisted of my grandparent’s “important documents” such as my grandfather’s expired doe license from three years ago and my grandmother’s glossy new magazine with a hearing aid advertisement plastered on the front cover. The lazy susan was jam-packed with more junk mail and other really important items. Some of these included a plastic baggie of Splenda packets used only for grandfather’s daily oatmeal and my grandmother’s favorite: the saltshaker. The saltshaker reminded me of the shake-a-day jar that rested upon the obsolete milk machine on the west wall. When my mother was a child, real cow milk sputtered through the spout. Now, it houses my grandfather’s Bailey’s and my grandmother’s Diet Mountain Dew. Next to the milk machine rests a little metal cart. Atop the cart sits a decade old white microwave. A stale box of Lucky Charms always takes up space on the rickety cart. Every visit, my grandmother forces my kid brother and me to finish up the box. We look at each other with raised eyebrows and talk ourselves out of eating the soggy marshmallows that she calls …show more content…

My grandparent’s little yellow kitchen is my favorite place, not because it is adorable and old-fashioned, but because I have spent quality time with the best kind of people in their kitchen. My extended family has sat around that table and not only have we shared a meal, we have also shared the best stories of our lives. By the time I was ten, I had learned my fair share about farming, family, and faith. It was at this table where my Uncle Mike taught me how big an acre, a quarter, and a section of land are. It was at this table where my Grandpa O’Neill told me how he helped his brothers and sisters make it through the Great Depression. It was at this table where I learned how to pray the rosary from my Grandma O’Neill, something she does every single day. My grandparent’s kitchen is my favorite place because it is a place where I feel nothing but happiness. How can a person surrounded by golden yellow walls and warm, loving people not be

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