Graduation Speech: My Hero's Journey

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I hope that those reading this realise by now, we are far more than just the sum of physical parts which make up the Human body, more than just a flesh costume we use to experience this particular journey and comprehend we are on a voyage of spiritual discovery with love as the principal behind everything…But, what is love? I briefly touched upon it earlier, but would like to go a little deeper into it.
Love needs no learning, nor any understanding. Yet, not until we strip away the layers of disinformation can we know love. Once the grime has been removed from the mirror, grime accumulated over a lifetime, can we see who and what we are. I want to give to you the opportunity to be an emotionally mature adult so you can decide for yourself what …show more content…

In our illusory world, love despondently becomes a commodity like anything else. To be assigned or attributed, based on five words, ‘’What’s in it for me?’ We associate love with things, material possessions of minimal value. People were born to be loved and things produced to be used, however our world is detached and chaotic. Because things are being loved and people are being used.
Unconditional love permeates all, and nothing is immune from this undeniable truth and understanding this will transform just not our lives but of those around us… But what is love? The Word itself conjures up more confusion than any other irrespective of the language used to express it.
The phrase ‘’what is love’’ was the most searched phrase on google which highlights the amount of confusion and bewilderment that accompanies the word and above that, the need to be loved or what we interpret as such. We sit and wonder if we could just figure out how to be nice enough, handsome or pretty enough, funny enough, sexy enough, rich enough or simply just “enough,” the world would reward us with the perfect loving

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