Gospel Of Matthew

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The Passion

Many people believe that there is only one account of the Passion of Jesus Christ or they believe that each story is the same; whereas there are four separate Gospel accounts of the Passion of Our Lord. Each of these Gospel accounts supplements the others, however each gospel account of the crucifixion of Jesus is unique, not only in how the story is told but also in the events and features themselves. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John clearly present different portrayals of the death of Jesus Christ. By examining each account the reader discovers the evangelist's understanding of the death accounts of the crucifixion and death of Jesus. The reader must examine and compare all of the Gospel accounts to have a full and clear knowledge of the whole story. The crucifixion is the centerpiece of the Gospels.

In the first gospel account, Matthew emphasizes the negative, blameworthy role of the Jews at the crucifixion. He portrays a moment of judgment on the Jews. He describes the darkness that covered the earth, a common image symbolizing judgment. In his narrative, Matthew stresses on the split of the temple makes it clear that Jesus is bringing an end to the old order, which is centered on the temple. Matthew saw the Jewish war and the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple as a visible result of their fatal choice.

Matthew portrays Jesus' death as a glorious event, and the ending of one era and the beginning of a new era. For Matthew, the crucifixion is clearly an astronomical event in which the events of Jesus death signal the dawning of a new age. It is a clear, decisive act of God in human history. Matthew describes images such as earthquakes, splitting rocks, opening tombs and the rising of the de...

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... portrays Jesus' death as the high point of his mission; his triumphant return to the Father.

In contrast to the other three Gospel accounts of the Passion of Jesus Christ, in John's gospel there is no mention of the institution of the Holy Eucharist, the agony in the garden, or the trial and condemnation before Caiphas. Jesus dies on a different day in John's gospel than in Matthew, Mark and Luke. Foot washing replaces the Last Spper in the Gospel of John. He never mentions Simon of Cyrene. Also no other women are mentioned going to the tomb with Mary Magdalene. She is alone. (John 20:1).

There are also many similaritlies in the four Gospel accounts of the Passion of Jesus Christ. In all the Gospels, Pilate asks Jesus if he is King of the Jews and Jesus replies "So you say". All the Gospels have a man named Barabbas[3] released by Pilate instead of Jesus.

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