Gordon Higginson Essay

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The Spiritualist pioneers through the centuries have played an important role in our history, devotedly demonstrating their faith spiritualism, to the multitude. In the past many great men and women shaped yesteryear of spiritualism, dedicating their life, firstly Sir Arthur Conan Doyle an outstanding well-respected Doctor of medicine in the community, writer on Spiritualism additionally for his famous Sherlock Holmes stories. Secondly, Emma Hardinge Britten a strong lady of her time a copious writer, the channelling of the five principles, later changed to seven, equally the founder of the “Two Worlds” Magazine. The final person chosen is Gordon Higginson an outstanding medium with strong evidence of spirit of the last Century, a teacher to impart the knowledge, furthermore continued through studying becoming a Minister and President of the SNU.

My childhood memories of sitting in front the coal fire watching Sherlock Holmes on a black and white television obviously gripped by the story line, apparently started my endearment for murder mystery by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. A studious man my admiration goes out to him as an exceptionally …show more content…

I admired her being a pioneer in the 19th Century before suffrage, taking a brave step being an ardent spiritualist, I have read an old part of her writing in the “Two Worlds magazine”, “Rules for the circle” written 130 years ago in parts still applied today for example the circle to not exceed two hours, this wonderful lady leaving us her guidlines. Emma, I hold her in respect being adventurous travelling to America as a theatrical performer in 1856 which would have been an arduous journey for a lady the awful conditions suffered. I applaud her bravery joining in the fashionable spiritualist movement with so much devotion inspired to write a book “Spiritualism in

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