Google Glasses Essay

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The technological innovation that I will be discussing as well as trying to evaluate the effectiveness and effects the “Google Glasses” presents in today’s society. I choose the Google Glasses as their one of the latest innovations to come from Google that was unlike anything we had seen before. They had created a wearable head mounted computer with the combination of glass frames that holds all of this together. It was developed by Google with the objective of manufacturing a mass-market ubiquitous computer. Ubiquitous computing is an advanced computing concept where computing is made to appear everywhere and anywhere. In distinction to desktop computing which is the primary form today, ubiquitous computing can happen using any device, in any location, and in any format. With this objective in mind they have achieved their goals.
Google glasses are glasses that are made to display real-time information directly in front of the wearer’s field of vision. It is created by Google X, Googles secret laboratory. The information is displayed on a small screen that is placed just above the right lens of the glasses. With the help of the glasses users are able to use them to gather useful information on places and even people. Wearers are able to control the glasses through a combination of head motions and use of speech command.
The introduction of smart glasses will likely have both a positive and a negative effect on society. On the positive side, users of the glasses will be able to collect information where and whenever it is necessary, especially when they are unable to use their hands. This adds another factor of convenience that was never like bef...

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...ase in gaps in relationships as well as decreased communication skills due to dependence in the use of this device. Wearing Google Glasses may prove to be dangerous in certain situations where total attention is required, such as driving or operating car or machines. Having known these things, inattention may result in an increase in mishaps, injuries and even losses of life.
Perhaps Google Glass was simply a first step onto something much larger, but it sure is not something that should go overlooked. Even if Google Glasses ends up not being successful for the average consumer it will be an indispensable step in the direction of something that will. Overall the Google Glasses has its ups and downs but with its potential possibilities that ultimately better life largely greatly out weight the possible negative affects it may produce.

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