Good Vs. Evil In Dracula By Bram Stoker

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In Bram Stoker’s novel Dracula, The Count overtly represents the epitome of unadulterated evil, a monster incapable of remorse, and one who slaughters without discrepancy. His existence rests on his thirst to taint life, to terminate it or steal it away from the innocent. On the opposite end of the spectrum, his nemeses ardently struggle to preserve the souls of the unknowing. The roles the characters play in this narrative prove unyielding, with distinct boundaries between good and evil. If reality existed in such a simple state of black and white, of evil on one side and good on the other, we would all know easily on which side everyone stands. But, the grey comprises so much of life on Earth, it seems nothing can be defined so simply, …show more content…

The reader finds sympathy with Dracula, perhaps not even consciously at first, but in a similar fashion to his nightly stalking, we all succumb to the power that lies within his still chest, that lifeless void where the monster in all of us …show more content…

Mina says of Dracula, “I suppose anyone ought to pity anything so hunted as is the Count. That is just it: this Thing is not human—not even beast. To read Dr. Seward’s account of poor Lucy’s death, and what followed, is enough to dry up the springs of pity in one’s heart” (Stoker 186). Mina explains that someone must pity a creature so hated as Dracula, but in reality does his monstrousness makes him nothing more than an irrational beast incapable of remorse? To readers, that something, that beast, becomes a someone, -- someone who once had feelings, a heart, but now dwells in darkness. After realizing that, it seems that sympathy for the depraved creature is the first thing that comes to mind. By attaching human characteristics to Dracula, readers bring Dracula into the world of the known, rather than the frightening unknown, and by doing this, sympathy builds for something so pathetic and lifeless, whether it be evil or not. Even if Dracula is a life siphoning devil, he was still once a human being, a being capable of remorse, but now he is just an amalgamation of society’s worst qualities; a lustful, impulsive, unrepentant fiend that is represented as the proverbial double edged sword of hatred and pity. And who among us has not felt that retched thought of wrong

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