Good And Evil In King Arthur's The Legend Of King Caradoc

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In Arthurian legend King Caradoc was not a supporter of King Arthur when he first took the throne, but later became an ally to Arthur. So in Avalon the character of Caradoc will do just that. He is a character who will begin as evil but must switch to good once evil has failed two missions. Caradoc is a very balanced character because of his switched alliance, and possible bluffs which could be made by both good and evil. In a ten person game Evil would be played with The Assassin, Caradoc, Morgana, and Mordred; they would appear to each other that order in the fail order. Merlin would see see The Assassin, Caradoc, and Morgana. The game would commence as usual; however as soon as evil fails two missions Caradoc sees the error of his ways …show more content…

Evil players can also bluff that they are Caradoc, so that they are placed on a mission or so that their proposed mission is approved. It even would be effective for Percival to bluff as being Caradoc so that his mission is approved because at that point Caradoc knows more than Merlin, by being the only good who is certain of the identity of Mordred, making him able to easily propose a perfect mission. So once Caradoc is good, he becomes the most powerful at the table. It is up to the rest of the table to decide who is actually Caradoc and who is just an imposter. A strategy which can be used by generic good to find the true Caradoc is asking him to reveal Mordred over the table. Once Caradoc is thrown into the mix it is easier for generic good to hide Merlin, since they can create more accurate noise to distract evil(assuming they chose the correct Caradoc). In the situation where evil does not get two fails Caradoc will remain evil and will be able to speak during assassination; likewise, if Caradoc changes alliance, he is not allowed to speak during the fail

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