Golden Goblet By Eloise Jarvis Mcgraw

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The story Golden Goblet is written by Eloise Jarvis McGraw, and the novel took place in ancient Egypt. The story is based upon a boy named Ranofer who is an orphan whose parents have died and lives with his evil half brother Gebu. Ranofer wants to be a goldsmith just like his father, but Gebu wants Ranofer to work for him instead. First of all, The most important event occured when Ranofer finds the goblet in Gebu’s room because, he can tell the queen about the goblet and can catch Gebu, and Ranofer will be thanked and rewarded for turning Gebu in, Ranofer can spy on Gebu and make a plan to catch Gebu and get him in trouble, since Ranofer has found the goblet he can tell the queen and she will believe him, she will reward him and he can get what he wants because he can work with Zau and become a master goldsmith just like his father and get a donkey just like he had always wanted and also live a life without Gebu bossing him around since he will be in the dungeon locked up. …show more content…

He stole treasure from the precious Habitation of that great king. That is terrible, evil thing to do. I will tell someone right away. I, Ranofer the son of Thutra. All Egypt will thank me. Pharaoh himself will thank me. I will be rich and happy and eat roast waterfowl

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