Examples Of Punishment In Dante's Inferno

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“The devil is not as black as he is painted” (Alighieri), this statement especially holds to be true in Dante Alighieri’s Inferno. According to Dante, Hell exists to reprimand sin, and the appropriateness of Hell’s punishments affirms God’s divine perfection that sin violates. Looking at Hell from Dante’s point of view, allows the readers to visualize the devil as a sinner not from Earth, who oversees God’s divine punishment of other unrepentant sinners from Earth. A perfect description of the devil comes from SparkNotes, who states, “The prince of Hell, also referred to as Dis. Lucifer resides at the bottom of the Ninth (and final) Circle of Hell, beneath the Earth’s surface, with his body jutting through the planet’s center. An enormous …show more content…

It can be assumed the punishment in Hell is a direct result of unrepentance before death on Earth, or in the words of Dante, “Do not be afraid; our fate cannot be taken from us; it is a gift” (Alighieri). Dante shows this concept in a few different ways. An example would be the lovers, Francesca da Rimini and Paolo Malatesta who are condemned to the second circle of Hell due to an adulterous love affair that occurred after reading the story of Lancelot and Guinevere. They felt they were not responsible for their lustful adulterous actions; it is obvious to conclude that if they do not feel they were at fault they did not repent before death. Another example would be Dante’s own progression from the dark forest through Hell to Earth where he gazes up at heaven’s stars. In this narrative poem, Dante represents a person who has sin but has gone through the process of repentance now making him Heaven bound, at least it can be presumed. The most obvious example would be Dante’s conversation with Guido da Montefeltro, an advisor to Pope Boniface VIII who was promised anticipatory absolution, about how he was damned to Hell because he failed to repent for his sins. Dante purposely included this conversation between him and Montefeltro, so the reader could see that unrepentance of sins before death is a serious issue that is the cause for a person’s descendent into Hell. …show more content…

According to SparkNotes, “Sinners suffer punishment to a degree befitting the gravity of their sin, in a manner matching that sin’s nature” (SparkNotes). The physical construction of Hell looks like a gigantic funnel that leads to the very center of the Earth. According to Dante, this huge, gigantic hole in the Earth was made when God threw the devil out of Heaven with such force that he created a giant hole in the Earth. The devil was cast all the way to the very center of the Earth and has remained there ever since. Throughout Dante’s journey through Hell, the reader can continually see sinners being punished with this ironic punishment that symbolize their sins on Earth making the reader directly connect the sinner’s punishment with the sin committed. The lustful, the second circle canto five, are constantly blown by dark, stormy winds symbolizing their whirling desire of their licentious urges causing them to constantly be whirl about in Hell. The wrathful, circle five canto seven, constantly tear and mangle each other, symbolizing their anger and the pain they caused others in their lifetime that is now constantly inflicted on them in death. The slothful, circle five canto eight, exist beneath the slime of Styx, symbolizing their laziness on Earth leading them to permanently be lying idle in Hell. Those who murder, circle

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