Godly Soul Ties In Toni Morrison's Beloved

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Soul ties can be stated as two souls weaved together inappropriately or appropriately. They can also be viewed as a bond or a link from one person’s soul to another person’s soul. Godly soul ties are formed when a husband and wife are joined together as “one flesh”. Ephesians 5:31 states, “for this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh”. Soul ties can be formed through close friendships, vows, commitments, promises and sexual relations. We see an example of the bond between two friends in the bible with David and Jonathan. “…the soul of Jonathan was knit to the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul” (1 Sam 18.1). A Godly soul tie can exist between …show more content…

Your body will follow the conditions of your inner man. If you inner man is broken then that brokenness will begin to reflect on the outside. It will manifest outwardly. If your soul is not well, then your outer man will follow suit. God desires for us to be healthy spiritually, physically and emotionally. The bible states it like this, “Beloved, I pray that in every way you may prosper and enjoy good health, as your soul also prospers”(3 John 1:2). When you’re not well in your soul and spirit, then you will not be well in your body. Just remember that whatever is going on inside of you will always affect you outwardly. It’s all connected. Our bodies will react to the conditions of our heart and …show more content…

First, we can go to God and repent for any sins we have committed to develop this ungodly soul tie. Second, we need to forgive that person of any wrong doings and also forgive ourselves. It’s time to release it and let it go. Third, we should renounce this soul tie that was made through ungodly bonding. This can be done verbally in the name of Jesus. I would advise you to speak the person’s name out loud. Also, there should be no further contact with the person you are attempting to detach from. Staying in contact with the person will only make it more difficult to break this soul

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